Website Updates

3 years ago

11:11 AM PST, 2/8/22: Changed the number of posts per page from 99 to 33 to not use as much…

Chat Post with Friends

UPDATE at 2/20 PM EST, 2/7/22: I'd installed the plugin to enable private chat on the site. For friends who…

3 years ago

People should not be afraid of their governments.

"Governments should be afraid of their people. Contrary to what many people assume, most of the suffering, injustice and conflict…

3 years ago

Whose responsibility is it?

Org-x replacing our leaders is a major problem to deal with. Whose responsibilities is it to solve this problem? The…

3 years ago

The most dangerous thing you can do is educate people.

"Because when people become educated, you cannot control them, you cannot frighten them. People who are educated know their own…

3 years ago


"Democracy is fragile. To survive, it requires principled leadership and a vigilant and engaged populace."― Rick Steves Fascism: Coming to…

3 years ago


"The truth was a mirror in the hand of God. It fell and broke into pieces. Everybody took a piece…

3 years ago

America’s Highest Destiny

"When the proverbial butterfly flutters the air on one side of the world, it is said to influence events on…

3 years ago